Vera, M. G., Cometto, P. M., Casañas, J. M., Bauerfeldt, G. F., & Mellouki, A. Theoretical and experimental study of the OH radical with 3‐Bromopropene gas phase reaction rate coefficients temperature dependence. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. Leelo ACÁ
Casañas, J. M., Cometto, P. M., Vera, M. G., & Córdoba, M. (2023). Geostatistical analysis of the relationship among geomorphology, land cover, and AOD at the local scale in a South American desert region. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Leelo ACÁ
Rodriguez Gonzalez, C., Guzman, C., Andreo, V. (2023). Using VHR satellite imagery, OBIA and landscape metrics to improve mosquito surveillance in urban areas. Ecological Informatics, 77, 102221. Leelo ACÁ
Espinosa, M. O., Andreo, V., Paredes, G., Leaplaza, C., Heredia, V., Periago, M. V., Abril, M. (2023). Risk Stratification to Guide Prevention and Control Strategies for Arboviruses Transmitted by Aedes aegypti. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 8(7), 362. Leelo ACÁ
Puechagut P. B., Politi N, Bellis, L. M. & Rivera L. O. (2023) Relación entre el tamaño de la palmera, precipitación y temperatura en la producción de flores y frutos de Copernicia alba en el noroeste argentino. Ecología en Bolivia. Leelo ACÁ
Barzán, F, Bellis LM, Canavelli S, Calamari N and Dardanelli S. (2023) Bird functional and taxonomic diversity in xerophytic forests: contributing to balance bird conservation and livestock production Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Leelo ACÁ
Naval Fernández, M. C., Albornoz, J., Bellis, L. M., Baldini, C., Arcamone, J., Silvetti, L., Álvarez, M. P., & Argañaraz, J. P. (2023). Megaincendios 2020 en Córdoba: Incidencia del fuego en áreas de valor ecológico y socioeconómico. Ecología Austral. Leelo ACÁ
Scavuzzo CM, Delgado C, Goy M, Crudo F, Porcasi X, Periago MV (2023) Intestinal parasitic infections in a community from Pampa del Indio, Chaco (Argentina) and their association with socioeconomic and environmental factors. Leelo ACÁ
Contreras, F., Andreo, V., Hechem, V., Polop, J., Provensal, M. C. (2023). Colilargo’s occupancy and the role of native and exotic plants in Hantavirus expansion and transmission risk. Mammal Research Leelo ACÁ
Petrosillo, I., Valente, D., Scavuzzo, C.M., Selvan, T. Land degradation pattern and ecosystem services (2023) Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, art. no. 1137768. Leelo ACÁ
Marinelli, M.V., Argüello Caro, E.B., Petrosillo, I., Kurina, F.G.,
Giobellina, B.L., Scavuzzo, C.M., Valente, D. Sustainable Food Supply by Peri-Urban Diversified Farms of the Agri-Food Region of Central Córdoba, Argentina (2023). Leelo ACÁ
Hamesse, C., Andreo, V., Rodriguez Gonzalez, C., Beumier, C., Rubio, J., Porcasi, X., Lopez, L., Guzman, C., Haelterman, R., Shimoni, M., & Scavuzzo, C. M. (2023). Ovitrap Monitor – Online application for counting mosquito eggs and visualisation toolbox in support of health services. Ecological Informatics, 75, 102105. Leelo ACÁ
Beltramone G., Frery A., Rotela C., Germán A., Bonansea M., Scavuzzo C.M., Ferral A., Mario Gulich Institute, CONAE-UNC, Córdoba, Argentina (2023). Identification of Seasonal Snow Phase Changes from C-band SAR Time Series with Dynamic Thresholds. Leelo ACÁ
Marinelli, M.V.; Argüello Caro, E.B.; Petrosillo, I.; Kurina, F.G.; Giobellina, B.L.; Scavuzzo, C.M.; Valente, D. Sustainable Food Supply by Peri-Urban Diversified Farms of the Agri-Food Region of Central Córdoba, Argentina. Land 2023, Leelo ACÁ
- Seppi, S.A.; López-Martinez, C.; Joseau, M.J. Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR Coherence and Its Comparison with C-Band: A Case Study over Managed Forests in Argentina. Remote Sens. 2022 Leelo ACÁ
- Alba German; M. Shimoni; L. A. Sander De Carvalho; G. Beltramone; M. Bonansea; C. Marcelo Scavuzzo; A. Ferral. Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Sentinel-2 MSI Images Applied to Chlorophyll-A Retrieval in an Eutrophic Reservoir. IGARSS 2022 – 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
- G. Beltramone;A. C. Frery;A. German;M. Bonansea;C. Marcelo Scavuzzo;A. Ferral. Characterization of Seasonal Snow Covered Surfaces by Sentinel 1 Time Series Anomalies. IGARSS 2022 – 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
- Scavuzzo, C.Matias, Scavuzzo, J.M., Campero, M.N., …Benito, A., Periago, V. Feature importance: Opening a soil-transmitted helminth machine learning model via SHAP. Infectious Disease Modelling, 2022, 7(1), pp. 262–276
- Arrieta, E.M., Fischer, C.G., Aguiar, S., Geri, M., Fernández, R.J., Coquet, J.B., Scavuzzo, C.M., Rieznik, A., León, A., González, A.D., Jobbágy, E.G. The health, environmental, and economic dimensions of future dietary transitions in Argentina. Sustainability Science, 2022
Busso, J. M., Baechli J., Bellis, L. M., Landi M. A. and Villareal, D. (2022). Social impact of Dolichotis patagonum pair disruption on the formation of new bonds and reproduction in a multiple mate choice context. Animal Behaviour, 189: 113-126
- Silva Griffouliere, D., Burgos Paci, M., Schürrer, C. (2022). Statistical characterization of a thermal camera at room temperature. Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON). Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Rosa, J., Ramos, K., & Salomón, O. D. (2022). Ecological characterization of a cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreak through remotely sensed land cover changes. Geospatial Health. Leelo ACÁ
- Osei, F. B., Stein, A., & Andreo, V. (2022). A zero-inflated mixture spatially varying coefficient modeling of cholera incidences. Spatial Statistics. Leelo ACÁ
- Petrosillo, I., Marinelli, M. V., Zurlini, G., & Valente, D. (2022). Cross-scale spatial and temporal indicators for measuring the effects of landscape heterogeneity on pollination service. Ecological Indicators. Leelo ACÁ
- Valente, D., Marinelli, M. V., Lovello, E. M., Giannuzzi, C. G., & Petrosillo, I. (2022). Fostering the Resiliency of Urban Landscape through the Sustainable Spatial Planning of Green Spaces. Land Leelo ACÁ
- Giobellina, B. L., Marinelli, M. V., Lobos, D. A., Eandi, M., Bisio, C., Butinof, M., … & Romero Asis, M. (2022). Producción frutihortícola en la Región Alimentaria de Córdoba. Caracterización y mapeo 2018-2020. Ediciones INTA; Agencia de Extensión Rural Córdoba. Leelo ACÁ
- Campero, M.N., Marinelli, M.V., Scavuzzo, C.M., & Romàn, M.D. (En prensa). Community Food Environments, exploring a geomatic vision of regional scale. 2022 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON).
- Álvarez Di Fino, E.M, Scavuzzo, M., Campero, M.N., Scavuzzo, C.M. & Defagó, M.D. Explorando el uso de herramientas de sensores remotos y tecnologías geoespaciales aplicadas al problema multidimensional de la seguridad alimentaria. Uniciencia. Leelo ACÁ
- Baldini, C., Marasas, M. E., Tittonell, P., & Drozd, A. A. (2022).Urban, periurban and horticultural landscapes–Conflict and sustainable planning in La Plata district, Argentina. Land Use Policy Leelo ACÁ
- Baldini, C., Marasas, M. E., & Drozd, A. A. (2022). Three decades of landscape change across the largest peri-urban horticultural region of Argentina: urban growth, productive intensification and the need for resilient landscape management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Leelo ACÁ
Silvetti, L. , Arcamone J., Gavier Pizarro, and Bellis, L.M. (2022). Multi-temporal analysis of the cover change of the Serrano forest in central Argentina through remote sensing. Integration of Field and Remote Sensing Data. RPIC IEEE.
Silvetti, L. , Gavier Pizarro, G., Solari L.M., Arcamone J. and Bellis, L.M. (2022). Land use changes and bird diversity in subtropical forests: urban development as the underlying factor. Biodiversity and Conservation. Leelo ACÁ
Argañaraz, JP. and Bellis LM. (2022). Evaluation of Burn Severity for the Fires of 2020 in the Mountains of Córdoba Integration of Field and Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2022
- Seppi, S. A., Casanova, E. S., Roa, Y. L. B., Euillades, L., & Gaute, M. (2021). On the Feasibility of Applying Orbital Corrections to SAOCOM-1 Data with Free Open Source Software (foss) to Generate Digital Surface Models: a Case Study in Argentina. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Leelo ACÁ.
- Beltramone, Giuliana, Scavuzzo, C. Marcelo, German, Alba, Bonansea, Matías, & Ferral, Anabella (2021). Surface reflectance simulations of fresh and aged snow with light-absorbing impurities. In 2021 XIX Workshop on Information Processing and Control. IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- Ferral, Anabella, Gili, Adriana., Andreo, Veronica, German, Alba, Beltramone, Giuliana, Bonansea, Matías, Pana, Sofía & Scavuzzo, Marcelo. (2021). Calculation of surface urban heat index from LANDSAT-8 TIRS data and its relation with land cover. In 2021 XIX Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC). Leelo ACÁ
- Mariela Lucía Aguilera Sammaritano, Pablo Marcelo Cometto, Daniel Alfredo Bustos & Eduardo Daniel Wannaz (2021). Monitoring of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in San Juan city, Argentina, using active samplers and the species Tillandsia capillaris. Revista Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Editorial Springer Heidelberg. Leelo ACÁ
Andreo, Verónica.; Cuervo, Pablo; Porcasi, Ximena; Lopez, Laura; Guzmán, Claudio y Scavuzzo, Carlos Marcelo (2021). Towards a workflow for operational mapping of Aedes aegypti at urban scale based on remote sensing. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. Leelo ACÁ.
Aguirre, Exequiel; Andreo, Verónica; Porcasi, Ximena; Lopez, Laura; Guzman, Claudio; González, Patricia y Scavuzzo, Carlos Marcelo. (2021) Implementation of a proactive system to monitor Aedes aegypti populations using open access historical and forecasted meteorological data. Ecological Informatics. Leelo ACÁ.
- Andreo, Verónica; Porcasi, Ximena; Guzmán, Claudio; Lopez, Laura y Scavuzzo, Carlos Marcelo (2021). Spatial Distribution of Aedes aegypti Oviposition Temporal Patterns and Their Relationship with Environment and Dengue Incidence. Leelo ACÁ.
- Alba Germán, Michal Shimoni, Giuliana Beltramone, María Inés Rodríguez, Jonathan Muchiut, Matías Bonansea, C. Marcelo Scavuzzo, Anabella Ferral (2021) Space-time monitoring of water quality in an eutrophic reservoir using SENTINEL-2 data – A case study of San Roque, Argentina. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. Leelo ACÁ.
- Anegagrie M, Lanfri S, Aramendia AA, Scavuzzo M, Herrador Z, Benito A (2021). Environmental characteristics around the household and their association with hookworm infection in rural communities from Bahir Dar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Leelo ACÁ.
- Almendra Brasca Merlín, Andrés Solarte, Laura M. Bellis, Claudio Carignano, Marcela Cioccale, Manuel Delgado, Marcelo Scavuzzo, Juan P. Argañaraz (2021). DInSAR and statistical modeling to assess landslides: The case study of Sierras Chicas (central Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Leelo ACÁ.
- Zeballos, S. R., M.R. Cabido, J.J. Cantero, A.T. Acosta, M.V. Palchetti, J.P. Argañaraz, P.I. Marcora, P.A. Tecco, A. Ferreras, G. Funes, V.M. Vaieretti, G. Conti, M.A. Giorgis. (2021). Floristic patterns of the neotropical forests, savannas and scrublands with Trithrinax campestris (Arecaceae) in central Argentina. Vegetation Classification and Survey. Leelo ACÁ
- Yenni Roa, Patricia Rosell, Andrés Solarte, Leonardo Euillades, Federico Carballo, Sebastián García y Pablo Euillades (2021). First assessment of the interferometric capabilities of SAOCOM-1A: New results over the Domuyo Volcano, Neuquén Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Leelo ACÁ
- Marinelli, M.V., Valente, D., Scavuzzo, C.M., Petrosillo, I (2021). Landscape service flow dynamics in the metropolitan area of Córdoba (Argentina) Journal of Environmental Management. Leelo ACÁ
- Represa, N.S., Della Ceca, L.S., Abril, G., García Ferreyra, M.F., Scavuzzo, C.M. (2021) Atmospheric pollutants assessment during the covid-19 lockdown using remote sensing and ground-based measurements in buenos aires, argentina Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Leelo ACÁ
- Bonansea, M., Ferrero, S., Ferral, A., Ledesma, M., German, A., Carreño, J., … & Pinotti, L. (2021) Assessing water surface temperature from Landsat imagery and its relationship with a nuclear power plant. Hydrological Sciences Journal Leelo ACÁ
- Bonansea, M., Bazán, R., Germán, A., Ferral, A., Beltramone, G., Cossavella, A., & Pinotti, L. (2021) Assessing land use and land cover change in Los Molinos reservoir watershed and the effect on the reservoir water quality. Journal of South American Earth Sciences Leer ACÁ
- Barri; F. M. Tolelo, P. Herzog, L. M. Bellis, H. vonWehrden and D. Renison. (2021). Avifaunal responses after two decades of Polylepis forest restoration in central Argentina. Neotropical Biodiversity. Leelo ACÁ
- Barzán, F, Bellis LM and Dardanelli S. (2021). Livestock grazing constraints bird abundance and species richness: a global meta-analysis. Basic and Applied Ecology. Leelo ACÁ
- Baechli, J., Bellis, L. M. and Busso, JM..(2021) Activity budget of zoo-housed Dolichotispatagonum mates. Journal of Zoo and Aquariums Research. Leelo ACÁ
- Baechli, J., Albanesi, S. and Bellis, L. M. (2021) Effectiveness of crossings as wildlife passages for mammals in the Yungas of Argentina. Journal for Nature Conservation. Leelo ACÁ
- Dardanelli, S and Bellis, L. M. (2021). Nestedness structure of bird assemblages in a fragmented forest in Central Argentina: the role of selective extinction and colonization processes. Leelo ACÁ.
- Ferral, A., German, A., Beltramone, G., Bonansea, M., Burgos, P. M., de Carvalho, L. S., … & Scavuzzo, M. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Water Surface Temperature in a Reservoir and its Relation with Water Quality in a Climate Change Context. In 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS (pp. 76-79). IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- Lobo, F. L., Nagel, G., Maciel, D. A., Ferral, A., German, A., Carvalho, L. S., … & Shimoni, M. (2021). Alert System for Algae Bloom Detection in Inland Waters of Latin America: An Ongoing Project. In 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS (pp. 72-75). IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- German, A., Ferral, A., Scavuzzo, C. M., & Shimoni, M. (2021). Big Earth Data and Advanced Processing Techniques for Monitoring Water Quality. In 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS (pp. 68-71). IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- Beumier, C., Rubio, J., Andreo, V., Guzman, C., Porcasi, X., Marcelo Scavuzzo, C., & Shimoni, M. (2021). Semi-Automatic Tool to Count Mosquito Eggs in Ovitrap Stick Images. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 80–83. Leelo ACÁ
- Mudele, O., Andreo, V., Porcasi, X., Scavuzzo, C. M., Lopez, L., & Gamba, P. (2021). Predicting Aedes Aegypti Eggs Count Using Remote Sensing Data and a Generalized Linear Model. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 84–87. Leelo ACÁ
- Arrieta, E. M., Geri, M., Coquet, J. B., Scavuzzo, C. M., Zapata, M. E., & González, A. D. (2021). Quality and environmental footprints of diets by socio-economic status in Argentina. Science of The Total Environment. Leelo ACÁ
- Scavuzzo, J. M., Scavuzzo, C. M., Espinosa, M., Andreo, V., Campero, M. N., Periago, V., & Abril, M. (2021). Estimación de la importancia de variables predictoras en modelos epidemiológicos de aprendizaje automático utilizando SHAP. In 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- Arrieta, E. M., González Fischer, C., Aguilar, S., Fernández, R., Rieznik, A., Leon, A., Jobbágy, E., Geri, M., Coquet, J. B., Scavuzzo, C. M., Zapata, M. E., González, A. D. (2021). The health, environmental and economic dimensions of future dietary transitions in Argentina. Sustainability Science.
- M. Gonzalez Vera, P. Cometto and J. M. Casañas, “Assessment of the Efficiency vs Particle Size for Three Airborne Aerosol Sampling Probes. Computational Simulations.” 2021 XIX Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC), 2021
- J. M. Casañas, P. Cometto and M. Gonzalez Vera, “Combination of two land cover classifications in San Juan city and surroundings, Argentina. Inter-seasonal variations assessment.” 2021 XIX Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC), 2021
- Tittonell, P., Fernandez, M., El Mujtar, V. E., Preiss, P. V., Sarapura, S., Laborda, L., … & Cardoso, I. M. (2021).Emerging responses to the COVID-19 crisis from family farming and the agroecology movement in Latin America–A rediscovery of food, farmers and collective action. Agricultural Systems.
- Beltramone, Giuliana, Scavuzzo, Marcelo, German, Alba, & Ferral, Anabella (2020). Wet snow detection in Patagonian Andes with Sentinel-1 SAR temporal series analysis in GEE. In 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
- Seppi, Santiago, German, Alba, Beltramone, Giuliana, Melin, Almendra. B., Scavuzzo, C. Marcelo, & Ferral, Anabella. (2020). Caracterización de dinámicas hidrogeológicas en zonas de explotación minera de litio a partir del uso de productos satelitales. In 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON) IEEE. Leelo ACÁ
- Della Ceca., L; García Ferreyra, M. F., Scavuzzo, C. M. MAIAC algorithm (v006) aerosol optical depth satellite product validation in Córdoba, Argentina (2017-2019) | Validación del producto satelital de espesor óptico de aerosoles obtenido con el algoritmo MAIAC (v006) en Córdoba, Argentina (2017-2019) . IEEE ARGENCON 2020. 1 al 4 de Diciembre del 2020.
- Maria Victoria Marinelli, Donatella Valente, Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo, Irene Petrosillo, Landscape service flow dynamics in the metropolitan area of Córdoba (Argentina), Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 280, 2021, 111714, ISSN 0301-4797. Leelo ACÁ.
- Germán, A., Andreo, V., Tauro, C., Scavuzzo, C.M., Ferral, A. A novel method based on time series satellite data analysis to detect algal blooms (2020) Ecological Informatics, 59, art. no. 101131. Leelo ACÁ.
- Di Fino, E.M.A., Rubio, J., Abril, M.C., Porcasi, X., Periago, M.V. Risk map development for soil-transmitted helminth infections in Argentina (2020) PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (2), art. no. e0008000, .. Leelo ACÁ
- Pinotti, J.D., Ferreiro, A.M., Martin, M.L., Levis, S., Chiappero, M., Andreo, V., González-Ittig, R.E. Multiple refugia and glacial expansions in the Tucumane–Bolivian Yungas: The phylogeography and potential distribution modeling of Calomys fecundus (Thomas, 1926) (Rodentia: Cricetidae) (2020) Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 58 (4), pp. 1359-1373. Leelo ACÁ
- Marshall, M., Tu, K., Andreo, V. On Parameterizing Soil Evaporation in a Direct Remote Sensing Model of ET: PT-JPL (2020) Water Resources Research, 56 (5), art. no. e2019WR026290, . Leelo ACÁ
- Aguilera Sammaritano, M., González Vera, M., Cometto, P.M., Tejero, T.N., Bauerfeldt, G.F., Mellouki, A. Temperature dependence of rate coefficients for the gas phase reaction of OH with 3-chloropropene. A theoretical and experimental study (2020) Chemical Physics Letters, 755, art. no. 137757, . Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Lima, M., Polop, J., Provensal, C. Challenging population dynamics models with new data: How accurate were our inferences? [Desafiando los modelos de dinámica de poblaciones con nuevos datos: ¿qué tan precisas fueron nuestras inferencias?] (2020) Mastozoologia Neotropical, 27 (1), pp. 8-16. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Cixgolani, A.M., Bellis, L.M., Giorgis, M.A. Fire incidence along an elevation gradient in the mountains of central Argentina [Incidencia del fuego en un gradiente altitudinal de las sierras del centro de la Argentina] (2020) Ecologia Austral, 30 (2), pp. 268-281. Leelo ACÁ
- Roa, Y., Rosell, P., Solarte, A., Euillades, L., Carballo, F., García, S., Euillades, P. First assessment of the interferometric capabilities of SAOCOM-1A: New results over the Domuyo Volcano, Neuquén Argentina (2020) Journal of South American Earth Sciences, art. no. 102882, . Leelo ACÁ
- Bellis, L.M., Astudillo, A., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Dardanelli, S., Landi, M., Hoyos, L. Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) invasion decreases Chaco Serrano forest bird diversity but favors its seed dispersers (2020) Biological Invasions, . Leelo ACÁ
- Bianchi, E., Villalba, R., Solarte, A. NDVI Spatio-temporal Patterns and Climatic Controls Over Northern Patagonia (2020) Ecosystems, 23 (1), pp. 84-97. Leelo ACÁ
- Bonansea, M., Ferrero, S., Ferral, A., Ledesma, M., German, A., Carreño, J., Rodriguez, C., Pinotti, L. Assessing water surface temperature from Landsat imagery and its relationship with a nuclear power plant (2020) Hydrological Sciences Journal, . Leelo ACÁ
- Flores, C.E., Bellis, L.M., Adrián, S. Modelling the abundance and productivity distribution to understand the habitat-species relationship: The guanaco (Lama guanicoe) case study (2020) Wildlife Research, 47 (6), pp. 448-459. Leelo ACÁ
- Georganos, S., Brousse, O., Dujardin, S., Linard, C., Casey, D., Milliones, M., Parmentier, B., Van Lipzig, N.P.M., Demuzere, M., Grippa, T., Vanhuysse, S., Mboga, N., Andreo, V., Snow, R.W., Lennert, M. Modelling and mapping the intra-urban spatial distribution of Plasmodium falciparum parasite rate using very-high-resolution satellite derived indicators (2020) International Journal of Health Geographics, 19 (1), art. no. 38, . Leelo ACÁ
- Guozden, T., Carbajal, J.P., Bianchi, E., Solarte, A. Optimized Balance Between Electricity Load and Wind-Solar Energy Production (2020) Frontiers in Energy Research, 8, art. no. 16, . Leelo ACÁ
- Landi, M.A., Di Bella, C.M., Bravo, S.J., Bellis, L.M. Structural resistance and functional resilience of the Chaco forest to wildland fires: an approach with MODIS time series (2020) Austral Ecology, . Leelo ACÁ
- Montes, M., Silvetti, L., Ferreyra, M., Molina, S.I., Díaz, F., Argañaraz, C.I., Battán Horenstein, M., Gleiser, R.M. Seasonal variations of diptera assemblages in urban green patches of córdoba city, argentina: Same richness, different composition [Variaciones estacionales de los ensambles de diptera en espacios verdes urbanos de la ciudad de córdoba, argentina: Misma riqueza, distinta composición] (2020) Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 79 (2), pp. 2-13. Leelo ACÁ
- Moragues, S., Lenzano, M.G., Lanfri, M., Moreiras, S., Lannutti, E., Lenzano, L. Analytic hierarchy process applied to landslide susceptibility mapping of the North Branch of Argentino Lake, Argentina (2020) Natural Hazards, . Leelo ACÁ
- Baldini C (2020). Territorio en movimiento: las transformaciones territoriales del Cinturón Hortícola Platense en los últimos 30 años. Tesis doctoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Leelo ACÁ
- Ribeiro Freitas, H., Pérez, M., Baldini, C., Moraes Marinho, C., Aristide, P., Dantas Vieira, D., … & de Oliveira, E. (2020). Agricultura Urbana y Periurbana Agroecológica: conexiones entre experiencias del Semiárido Brasileiro y el AMBA/Argentina. Leelo ACÁ
- Baldini C (2020). La diversidad del paisaje y su importancia en los agroecosistemas. En: Biodiversidad, Agroecología y Agricultura Sustentable. Leelo ACÁ
- Godoy, M.M., Martinuzzi, S., Kramer, H.A., Defossé, G.E., Argañaraz, J., Radeloff, V.C. Rapid WUI growth in a natural amenity-rich region in central-western Patagonia, Argentina (2019) International Journal of Wildland Fire, 28 (7), pp. 473-484.. Leelo ACÁ
- Weinberg, D., Lanfri, M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Abril, M., Lanfri, S. Evaluation and planning of chagas control activities using geospatial tools (2019) Geospatial Health, 14 (2), art. no. 786, pp. 229-238 Leelo ACÁ
- Ferral, A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Solorza, R., Marquez, J., Salvia, M., Gomez-Deniz, L., Notarnicola, C., Cigna, F., Lopez Martinez, C., Bhattacharya, A., Li, X., Camps, A., Frery, A.C. Remote Sensing Spring School in Argentina: SAR for Environmental and Production Monitoring [Education] (2019) IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 7 (3), art. no. 8846617, pp. 107-109.. Leelo ACÁ
- Bonansea, M., Ledesma, M., Bazán, R., Ferral, A., German, A., O’Mill, P., Rodriguez, C., Pinotti, L. Evaluating the feasibility of using Sentinel-2 imagery for water clarity assessment in a reservoir (2019) Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 95, art. no. 102265, .. Leelo ACÁ
- Ferral, A., Luccini, E., Aleksinkó, A., Scavuzzo, C.M. Flooded-area satellite monitoring within a Ramsar wetland Nature Reserve in Argentina (2019) Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 15, art. no. 100230, . Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Belgiu, M., Hoyos, D.B., Osei, F., Provensal, C., Stein, A. Rodents and satellites: Predicting mice abundance and distribution with Sentinel-2 data (2019) Ecological Informatics, 51, pp. 157-167.. Leelo ACÁ
- Jacob, M.M., Jones, W.L., Santos-Garcia, A., Drushka, K., Asher, W.E., Scavuzzo, C.M. Salinity rain impact model (rim) for smap (2019) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12 (6), art. no. 8762194, pp. 1679-1687.. Leer ACÁ
- Abbondanza, S., Ferral, A., Laneve, G., Marzialetti, P., Platzeck, G. Soil Erosion in Sierras Chicas Córdoba: A RUSLE Model Analysis with Remote Sensing Data (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646242, .
- Andreo, V., Porcasi, X., Rodriguez, C., Lopez, L., Guzman, C., Scavuzzo, C.M. Time series clustering applied to eco-epidemiology: The case of aedes aegypti in córdoba, Argentina (2019) 2019 18th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2019, art. no. 8882184, pp. 93-98. Leelo ACÁ
- Bianchi, E., Solarte, A., Guozden, T. Spatiotemporal variability of the wind power resource in Argentina and Uruguay (2019) Wind Energy, 22 (8), pp. 1086-1100. Leelo ACÁ
- Campana, C., Peralta, C., Cecconello, J.C., Pons, D.H., Uranga, J., Scavuzzo, M.C., Ferral, A. Geospatial tools applied to the generation of an aptitude map for the development of beekeeping activity in San Javier, Córdoba, Argentina (2019) 2019 18th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2019, art. no. 8882180, pp. 298-302. Leelo ACÁ
- Di Fino, E.M.A., Defago, M.D., Scavuzzo, C.M. Spatial analysis applied to nutritional epidemiology (2019) 2019 18th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2019, art. no. 8882136, pp. 105-110. Leelo ACÁ
- Garcia Ferreyra, M.F., Curci, G., Della Ceca, L., Otero, L., Ristori, P., Arganaraz, J.P., German, A., Lighezzolo, A., Scavuzzo, C.M. Monitoring Air Pollution from Wildfires Using Ground Data, Satellite Products and Modeling: The Austral Summer 2016-2017 in Argentina (2019) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), art. no. 8898023, pp. 7630-7633. Leelo ACÁ
- Lanfri, S., Espinosa, M., Lanfri, M., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Studying the concept of variogram for time series of point data, applied to ovitraps samplings (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646023, . Leelo ACÁ
- Leandro, J.C., Masiokas Mariano, H., Carlos, M.S. WEB PLATFORM for SATELLITE IMAGES DIGITAL PROCESSING FOCUSED on HYDROCLIMATIC MANAGEMENT (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646187, . Leelo ACÁ
- German, A., Arganaraz, J., Lighezzolo, A., Ferral, A. Remote sensing of water quality in a watershed and its relationship with wildfires, precipitation and urban growth (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646272, . Leelo ACÁ
- Lighezzolo, A., Martina, A., Zigaran, G., Vinas Viscardi, D.A., Nievas Lio, E., Rodriguez, A., Montamat, I.A., Saffe, J.N., Poffo, D.A., Caranti, G.M., Comes, R., Ingaramo, R. WRF model – Sensitivity experiments to computational environment changes (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8645986, . Leelo ACÁ
- Martina, A., Lighezzolo, A., Zigaran, G., Vinas Viscardi, D.A., Nievas Lio, E., Rodriguez, A., Montamat, I.A., Saffe, J.N., Poffo, D.A., Caranti, G.M., Comes, R., Ingaramo, R. Benchmarks and profiling of the WRF model within the Hydro-Meteorological Observatory of the Province of Córdoba (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646039, . Leelo ACÁ
- Nolasco, M., Bocco, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Agricultural Surfaces Mapping based on Spectral Data and Non-Contemporary Field Reference (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646305, . Leelo ACÁ
- Otero, L.A., Roberto Ristori, P., Garcia Ferreyra, M.F., Aguirre, D., Raponi, M.M., Omar Salvador, J., Delia, R., Martorella, E., Pereyra, A.F., Vilar, O., Brusca, S., Herrera, M.E., Lucas Bali, J., Quel, E.J. Biomass Burning Detection at Comodoro Rivadavia and Trelew on March 1st, 2015 (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646276, . Leelo ACÁ
- Porcasi, X., Andreo, V., Aguirre, E., Rojas, N., Rubio, J., Frutos, N., Guzman, C., Lopez, L. Spatial analysis of Aedes aegypti activity for public health surveillance (2019) 2019 18th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2019, art. no. 8882135, pp. 214-217. Leelo ACÁ
- Porcasi, X., Andreo, V., Ferral, A., Guimarey, P., Santini, M.S., Spillmann, C., Hernandez, R., Serra, A.G., Aguirre, E. Regional scale environmental variables complementing a Risk Model of Chagas Disease vectorial transmission (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646185, . Leelo ACÁ
- Represa, N.S., Ojeda, S., Abril, G., Garcia Ferreyra, M.F. Satellite Product Evaluation of the OMI/AURA Sensor for the Nitrogen Dioxide Analysis in the Province of Buenos Aires (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8645993, . Leelo ACÁ
- Rodriguez, H., Lighezzolo, A., Martina, A., Zigaran, G., Vinas Viscardi, D.A., Rodriguez, A., Baudo, F., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M., Arganaraz, J.P. Towards the operational implementation of the Fire Weather Index FWI based on the High-Resolution WRF Model (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8645974, . Leelo ACÁ
- Saffe, J., Garcia Ferreyra, M.F., Poffo, D., Carantd, G.M., Comes, R.A., Rodriguez, A., Martina, A., Ingaramo, R. Biomass fired ash plumes detection and monitoring using the Argentine Meteorological Radar (RMA) (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646299, . Leelo ACÁ
- Scavuzzo, J.M., Espinosa, M., Fino, E.A.D., Abril, M., Peralta, G., Scavuzzo, C.M. Spatial generalization of epidemiological models based on the Normalized Environmental Distance NED concept (2019) 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018, art. no. 8646061, . Leelo ACÁ
- Vera, M.F.G., Reyna, M.A., Sammaritano, M.A., Griffouliere, D.S., Estevez, D.G., Santarelli, J.E., Cometto, P.M. Studies for the Integration of a Light Optical Aerosol Counter in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Flying Wing) : TTTTropospheric Environment Research Observatory (TERO Project). (2019) 2019 18th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2019, art. no. 8882159, pp. 88-92. Leelo ACÁ
- Albrieu-Llinás, G., Espinosa, M.O., Quaglia, A., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Urban environmental clustering to assess the spatial dynamics of Aedes aegypti breeding sites (2018) Geospatial Health, 13 (1), art. no. 654, pp. 135-142. Leelo ACÁ
- Arganaraz, J., Lighezzolo, A., Clemoveki, K., Bridera, D., Scavuzzo, J., Bellis, L. Operational Meteo Fire Risk System Based on Space Information for Chaco Serrano (2018) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 16 (3), pp. 975-980. Leelo ACÁ
- Ferral, A., Luccini, E., Solis, V., Frery, A., Aleksinko, A., Bernasconi, I., Scavuzzo, C.M. In-situ and satellite monitoring of the water qulity of a eutrophic lake intervened with a system of artificial aireation (2018) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 16 (2), pp. 627-633. Leelo ACÁ
- German, A., Espinosa, M.O., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Exploring satellite based temporal forecast modelling of Aedes aegypti oviposition from an operational perspective (2018) Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 11, pp. 231-240. Leelo ACÁ
- Marquez, J.L., Scavuzzo, C.M. Activities of the GRSS Argentine Section Chapter [Chapters] (2018) IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 6 (1), pp. 44-46. Leelo ACÁ
- Scavuzzo, J.M., Trucco, F., Espinosa, M., Tauro, C.B., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Frery, A.C. Modeling Dengue vector population using remotely sensed data and machine learning (2018) Acta Tropica, 185, pp. 167-175. Leelo ACÁ
- Alarcón, A.G., Germán, A., Aleksinkó, A., Ferreyra, M.F.G., Scavuzzo, C.M., Ferral, A. Spatial algal bloom characterization by landsat 8-OLI and field data analysis (2018) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018-July, art. no. 8518844, pp. 9292-9295. Leelo ACÁ
- Almeida, C.M.D., Feitosa, R.Q., Hernandez, J., Scavuzzo, C.M., Aragão, L.E.O.C.D. Coping with environmental challenges in Latin America (2018) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 145, pp. 211-212. Leelo ACÁ
- Altamiranda-Saavedra, M., Porcasi, X., Scavuzzo, C.M., Correa, M.M. Downscaling incidence risk mapping for a Colombian malaria endemic region (2018) Tropical Medicine and International Health, 23 (10), pp. 1101-1109. Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Zurita-Milla, R., Rosà, R., Rizzoli, A., Papa, A. Identifying favorable spatio-temporal conditions for West Nile Virus outbreaks by co-clustering of MODIS LST indices time series (2018) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018-July, art. no. 8519542, pp. 4670-4673. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Landi, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M. Determining fuel moisture thresholds to assess wildfire hazard: A contribution to an operational early warning system (2018) PLoS ONE, 13 (10), art. no. e0204889, . Leelo ACÁ
- Della Ceca, L.S., García Ferreyra, M.F., Lyapustin, A., Chudnovsky, A., Otero, L., Carreras, H., Barnaba, F. Satellite-based view of the aerosol spatial and temporal variability in the Córdoba region (Argentina) using over ten years of high-resolution data (2018) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 145, pp. 250-267. Leelo ACÁ
- Espinosa, M., Di Fino, E.M.A., Abril, M., Lanfri, M., Periago, M.V., Scavuzzo, C.M. Operational satellite-based temporal modelling of Aedes population in Argentina (2018) Geospatial Health, 13 (2), pp. 247-258. Leelo ACÁ
- Guozden, T.M., Bianchi, E., Solarte, A., Mulleady, C. Wind resource assessment in the Río Negro Province (Patagonia Argentina) using Merra Reanalysis (2018) Meteorologica, 43 (2), pp. 47-61. Leelo ACÁ
- Jacob, M., Drushka, K., Asher, W., Jones, L., Santos-Garcia, A., Scavuzzo, C.M. Salinity rain impact model (RIM) stratification analysis under several wind speed conditions (2018) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018-July, art. no. 8519358, pp. 1523-1526. Leelo ACÁ
- Natale, E., Reinoso, H.E., Andreo, V., Zalba, S.M. Mapping risk: Priorities to prevent the establishment of invasive Tamariscs [Mapeo del riesgo: Prioridades para prevenir el establecimiento de tamariscos invasores] (2018) Ecologia Austral, 28 (1), pp. 81-92. Leelo ACÁ
- Otero, L.A., Ristori, P.R., García Ferreyra, M.F., Herrera, M.E., L.bali, J., Pereyra, A.F., Martorrella, E., Brusca, S., D’elia, R.L., Fierro, V.E., Franchi, G., Vilar, O., Salvador, J.O., Raponi, M.M., J.quel, E. Seven photometers of the aeronet network installed in the argentine territory: Statistical analysis of the data and characterization of the aerosols [Siete fotómetros de la red aeronet instalados en territorio argentino: Análisis estadísticos de los datos y caracterización de los aerosoles] (2018) Anales de la Asociacion Fisica Argentina, 29 (3), pp. 78-82. Leelo ACÁ
- Rosà, R., Andreo, V., Tagliapietra, V., Baráková, I., Arnoldi, D., Hauffe, H.C., Manica, M., Rosso, F., Blaňarová, L., Bona, M., Derdáková, M., Hamšíková, Z., Kazimírová, M., Kraljik, J., Kocianová, E., Mahríková, L., Minichová, L., Mošanský, L., Slovák, M., Stanko, M., Špitalská, E., Ducheyne, E., Neteler, M., Hubálek, Z., Rudolf, I., Venclikova, K., Silaghi, C., Overzier, E., Farkas, R., Földvári, G., Hornok, S., Takács, N., Rizzoli, A. Effect of climate and land use on the spatio-temporal variability of tick-borne bacteria in Europe (2018) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (4), art. no. 732, . Leelo ACÁ
- Rautenbach, V., Di Leo, M., Andreo, V., Delucchi, L., Kudrnovsky, H., McKenna, J., Acosta, L.Y.S. Fostering Pre-University student participation in OSGEO through the google Code-In competition (2018) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42 (4W8), pp. 175-180. Leelo ACÁ
- Weinberg, D., Porcasi, X., Lanfri, S., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Spatial analyzes of triatomine infestation indices and their association to the actions of a Chagas disease program and environmental variables during a 5-year intervention period (2018) Acta Tropica, 188, pp. 41-49. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Radeloff, V.C., Bar-Massada, A., Gavier-Pizarro, G.I., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M. Assessing wildfire exposure in the Wildland-Urban Interface area of the mountains of central Argentina (2017) Journal of Environmental Management, 196, pp. 499-510. Leelo ACÁ
- Beltramone, G., Alaniz, E., Ferral, A.E., Aleksinko, A., Romero Arijon, D., Bernasconi, I., German, A., Ferral, A. Risk mapping of urban areas prone to flash floods in mountain basins using the analytic hierarchy process and geographical information systems (2017) 2017 17th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 1-6. Leelo ACÁ
- Ferral, A., Solis, V., Frery, A., Orueta, A., Bernasconi, I., Bresciano, J., Scavuzzo, C.M. Spatio-temporal changes in water quality in an eutrophic lake with artificial aeration (2017) Journal of Water and Land Development, 35 (1), pp. 27-40. Leelo ACÁ
- German, A., Tauro, C., Scavuzzo, M.C., Ferral, A. Detection of algal blooms in a eutrophic reservoir based on chlorophyll-a time series data from MODIS (2017) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017-July, art. no. 8127879, pp. 4008-4011. Leelo ACÁ
- Gómez-Bravo, A., German, A., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, M., Salomón, O.D. Spatial population dynamics and temporal analysis of the distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) in the city of Clorinda, Formosa, Argentina (2017) Parasites and Vectors, 10 (1), art. no. 352, . Leelo ACÁ
- Hoyos, D.M.B., Scavuzzo, C.M., Provensal, M.C., Lanfri, M.A. Generation of environmental information for public health applications using GRASS GIS (2017) 2017 17th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 1-6.. Leelo ACÁ
- Jacob, M., Jones, W.L., Drushka, K., Santos-Garcia, A., Asher, W., Scavuzzo, M. Salinity rain impact model (RIM) optimization: Preliminary results (2017) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017-July, art. no. 8127614, pp. 2939-2942.. Leelo ACÁ
- Rojas, M.N.R., Lopez, L., Guzman, C., Scavuzzo, C.M., Porcasi, X., Lanfri, M., Aguirre, E., Ferreyra, M.F.G., Lighezzolo, A., Albornoz, C. Use of geospatial tools for decision-making in the arboviruses prevention and control, in the Cordoba city, Argentina (2017) 2017 17th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 1-5. Leelo ACÁ
- Vianna EN, Guimarães R, Souza e Guimarães JP, Rezende Souza C, Gorla DE, Diotaiuti LE.
Environmental changes related to Chagas disease eco-epidemiology in the North of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. (2017). Memorias do Instituto O Cruz 112(11): pp. 760-768. Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Metz, M., Neteler, M., Rosà, R., Marcantonio, M., Billinis, C., Rizzoli, A., Papa, A. Can reconstructed land surface temperature data from space predict a West Nile Virus outbreak? (2017) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42 (4W2), pp. 19-25. Leelo ACÁ
- Landi, M.A., Dibella, C., Ojeda, S., Salvatierra, P., Argañaraz, J., Bellis, L.M. Selecting control sites for post-fire ecological studies using biological criteria and MODIS time series data (2017) Fire Ecology, 13 (2), 17 p. Leelo ACÁ
- Landi, M.A., Ojeda, S., di Bella, C.M., Salvatierra, P., Argañaraz, J.P., Bellis, L.M. Control plot selection for studies of post-fire dynamics: Performance of non-parametric and autoregressive routines [Selección de parcelas control para estudios de la dinámica post-incendio: Desempeño de rutinas no paramétricas y autorregresivas] (2017) Revista de Teledeteccion, 2017 (49 Special Issue), pp. 79-90.
- Lanfri, M., Porcasi, X., Albornoz, C., Scavuzzo, C.M., Lighezzolo, A., Aguirre, E., Ferreyra, M.F.G., Rojas, N., Torrusio, S. Operative system of satellite imagery processing as support to the emergencies management (2017) 2017 17th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 1-6. Leelo ACÁ
- Ortiz, N., Polop, F.J., Andreo, V.C., Provensal, M.C., Polop, J.J., Gardenal, C.N., González-Ittig, R.E. Genetic population structure of the long-tailed pygmy rice rat (Rodentia, Cricetidae) at different geographic scales in the Argentinean Patagonia (2017) Journal of Zoology, 301 (3), pp. 215-226. Leelo ACÁ
- Rotela, C., Lopez, L., Frías Céspedes, M., Barbas, G., Lighezzolo, A., Porcasi, X., Lanfri, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Gorla, D.E. Analytical report of the 2016 dengue outbreak in Córdoba city, Argentina (2017) Geospatial Health, 12 (2), art. no. 564, pp. 226-236. Leelo ACÁ
- Scavuzzo, J.M., Trucco, F.C., Tauro, C.B., German, A., Espinosa, M., Abril, M. Modeling the temporal pattern of Dengue, Chicungunya and Zika vector using satellite data and neural networks (2017) 2017 17th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2017, 2017-January, pp. 1-6. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Landi, M.A., Bravo, S.J., Gavier-Pizarro, G.I., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M. Estimation of Live Fuel Moisture Content From MODIS Images for Fire Danger Assessment in Southern Gran Chaco (2016) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (12), art. no. 7503072, pp. 5339-5349.. Leelo ACÁ
- Della Ceca, L., Garcia Ferreyra, M.F., Diez, S., Scavuzzo, C.M. Integration of spatial data for atmospheric pollutants monitoring during fires [Integración de datos espaciales para el monitoreo de contaminantes atmosféricos durante incendios] (2016) 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016, pp. 298-309. Leelo ACÁ
- Espinosa, M., Weinberg, D., Rotela, C.H., Polop, F., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Patterns of Aedes aegypti Breeding Sites, in the Context of a Dengue Control Program in Tartagal (Salta Province, Argentina) (2016) PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (5), art. no. e0004621, .. Leelo ACÁ
- Espinosa, M.O., Polop, F., Rotela, C.H., Abril, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Spatial pattern evolution of Aedes aegypti breeding sites in an Argentinean city without a dengue vector control programme (2016) Geospatial Health, 11 (3), art. no. 471, pp. 307-317.. Leelo ACÁ
- Estallo, E.L., Benitez, E.M., Lanfri, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Almiron, W.R. MODIS Environmental Data to Assess Chikungunya, Dengue, and Zika Diseases Through Aedes (Stegomia) aegypti Oviposition Activity Estimation (2016) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (12), pp. 5461-5466.. Leeo ACÁ
- Lighezzolo, A., Lanfri, M., García, F., Clemoveki, K., Bridera, D., Scavuzzo, M. Early warning systems for environmental emergencies based on numerical weather prediction models [Sistemas de alerta temprana a emergencias ambientales basados en modelos numéricos de predicción meteorológica] (2016) 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016, pp. 31-42. Leelo ACÁ
- Munoz, E.A., Di Paola, F., Lanfri, M., Arteaga, F.J. Observing the Troposphere through the Advanced Technology Microwave Sensor (ATMS) to Retrieve Rain Rate (2016) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14 (2), art. no. 7437197, pp. 586-594.. Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V.C., Dogliotti, A.I., Tauro, C.B. Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Continental Shelf and Shelf-Break of Argentina: Spatio-Temporal Changes and Phenology (2016) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (12), art. no. 7517392, pp. 5315-5324. Leelo ACÁ
- García Ferreyra, M. F, Curci, G., Lanfri, M. First Implementation of the WRF-CHIMERE-EDGAR Modeling System Over Argentina (2016) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (12), art. no. 7529134, pp. 5304-5314. Leelo ACÁ
- Germán, A., Tauro, C., Andreo, V., Bernasconi, I., Ferral, A. Analysis of a chlorophyll-a time series from MODIS images of a eutrophic reservoir [Análisis de una serie temporal de clorofila-a a partir de imágenes MODIS de un embalse eutrófico] (2016) 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016, pp. 697-704. Leelo ACÁ
- Villalón Turrubiates, I.E., Scavuzzo, C.M., Feitosa, R.Q., Frery, A.C., López-Martínez, C. Special Issue on Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing in Latin America (2016) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (12), art. no. 7769274, pp. 5287-5293. Leelo ACÁ
- Baumgartner, J., Gimenez, J., Scavuzzo, M., Pucheta, J. A New Approach to Segmentation of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on MRF (2015) IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12 (8), art. no. 7098347, pp. 1720-1724.. Leelo ACÁ
- Bellis Laura, M., Veronica, A., Andres, L., Juan, P.A., Sofia, L., Clemoveki, K., Scavuzzo, C.M. Design and implementation of an operational meteo fire risk forecast based on open source geospatial technology (2015) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015-November, art. no. 7326230, pp. 2155-2158. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Gavier Pizarro, G., Zak, M., Landi, M.A., Bellis, L.M. Human and biophysical drivers of fires in Semiarid Chaco mountains of Central Argentina (2015) Science of the Total Environment, 520, pp. 1-12. Leelo ACÁ
- Argañaraz, J.P., Pizarro, G.G., Zak, M., Bellis, L.M. Fire regime, climate, and vegetation in the Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina (2015) Fire Ecology, 11 (1), pp. 55-73. Leelo ACÁ
- González-Ittig, R.E., Polop, F.J., Andreo, V.C., Chiappero, M.B., Levis, S., Calderón, G., Provensal, M.C., Polop, J.J., Gardenal, C.N. Temporal fine-scale genetic variation in the zoonosis-carrying long-tailed pygmy rice rat in Patagonia, Argentina (2015) Journal of Zoology, 296 (3), pp. 216-224. Leelo ACÁ
- Munoz, E.A., Di Paola, F., Lanfri, M. Advances on Rain Rate Retrieval from Satellite Platforms using Artificial Neural Networks (2015) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 13 (10), art. no. 7387219, pp. 3179-3186. Leelo ACÁ
- Rocchini, D., Andreo, V., Förster, M., Garzon-Lopez, C.X., Gutierrez, A.P., Gillespie, T.W., Hauffe, H.C., He, K.S., Kleinschmit, B., Mairota, P., Marcantonio, M., Metz, M., Nagendra, H., Pareeth, S., Ponti, L., Ricotta, C., Rizzoli, A., Schaab, G., Zebisch, M., Zorer, R., Neteler, M. Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions: A modelling perspective (2015) Progress in Physical Geography, 39 (3), pp. 283-309. Leelo ACÁ
- Tauro, C.B., Hejazin, Y., Jacob, M.M., Jones, W.L. An Algorithm for Sea Surface Wind Speed from SAC-D/Aquarius Microwave Radiometer (2015) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8 (12), art. no. 7337374, pp. 5485-5490. Leelo ACÁ
- Andreo, V., Neteler, M., Rocchini, D., Provensal, C., Levis, S., Porcasi, X., Rizzoli, A., Lanfri, M., Scavuzzo, M., Pini, N., Enria, D., Polop, J. Estimating hantavirus risk in Southern Argentina: A GIS-based approach combining human cases and host distribution (2014) Viruses, 6 (1), pp. 201-222. Leelo ACÁ
- Estallo, E.L., Carbajo, A.E., Grech, M.G., Frías-Céspedes, M., López, L., Lanfri, M.A., Ludueña-Almeida, F.F., Almirón, W.R. Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue 2009 outbreak in Córdoba City, Argentina (2014) Acta Tropica, 136 (1), pp. 129-136. Leelo ACÁ
- Bayala, M.I., Rivas, R.E., Scavuzzo, M. Generation of high resolution temperature maps by re-sampling techniques [Generación de mapas de temperatura de alta resolución mediante técnicas de remuestreo] (2013) Interciencia, 38 (7), pp. 502-508.
- Cardozo, G., Lanfri, S., Chiaraviglio, M., Naretto, S., Di Cola, V. Understanding the ecological niche to elucidate spatial strategies of the southernmost Tupinambis lizards (2013) Amphibia Reptilia, 34 (4), pp. 551-565.
- Estallo, E.L., Más, G., Vergara-Cid, C., Lanfri, M.A., Ludueña-Almeida, F., Scavuzzo, C.M., Introini, M.V., Zaidenberg, M., Almirón, W.R. Spatial Patterns of High Aedes aegypti Oviposition Activity in Northwestern Argentina (2013) PLoS ONE, 8 (1), art. no. e54167, .
- Gorla, D.E., Abrahan, L., Hernández, M.L., Porcasi, X., Hrellac, H.A., Carrizo, H., Catalá, S.S. New structures for goat corrals to control peridomestic populations of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in the Gran Chaco of Argentina. (2013) Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 108 (3), .
- Lanfri, S., Palacio, G., Lanfri, M., Scavuzzo, M., Frery, A.C. Information content in COSMO-SkyMed data (2013) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), art. no. 6723281, pp. 2313-2316.
- Lanfri, S., Scavuzzo, M., Lanfri, M.A., Palacio, G., Frery, A.C. Change detection methods in high resolution Cosmo SkyMed images (2013) Conference Proceedings of 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, APSAR 2013, art. no. 6705075, pp. 304-307.
- Trivero, P., Borasi, M., Biamino, W., Cavagnero, M., Rinaudo, C., Bonansea, M., Lanfri, S. River pollution remediation monitored by optical and infrared high-resolution satellite images (2013) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185 (9), pp. 7647-7658.
- Blanco, P., López Saldaña, G., Colditz, R., Hardtke, L., Mari, N., Fischer, A., Caride, C., Aceñolaza, P., Del Valle, H., Opazo, S., Sione, W., Lillo-Saavedra, M., Zamboni, P., Cruz López, I., Anaya, J., Morelli, F., de Jesús, S. A new methodology for systematic mapping of land covers in Latin America and Caribbean [Propuesta metodológica para la cartografía periódica de la cobertura del suelo en latinoamérica y el caribe: Estado de situación y avances] (2012) Revista de Teledeteccion, (38), pp. 65-70.
- Estallo, E.L., Ludueña-Almeida, F.F., Visintin, A.M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Lamfri, M.A., Introini, M.V., Zaidenberg, M., Almirón, W.R. Effectiveness of normalized difference water index in modelling Aedes aegypti house index (2012) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (13), pp. 4254-4265.
- Mari, N., Laneve, G., Cadau, E., Porcasi, X. Fire damage assessment in Sardinia: The use of ALOS/PALSAR data for post fire effects management (2012) European Journal of Remote Sensing, 45 (1), pp. 233-241.
- Porcasi, X., Rotela, C.H., Introini, M.V., Frutos, N., Lanfri, S., Peralta, G., De Elia, E.A., Lanfri, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M. An operative dengue risk stratification system in Argentina based on geospatial technology (2012) Geospatial Health, 6 (3 SUPPL.), pp. S31-S42.
- Estallo, E.L., Ludueña-Almeida, F., Scavuzzo, C.M., Zaidenberg, M., Introini, M.V., Almirón, W.R. Daily oviposition activity of Aedes aegypti in Orán, Argentina [Oviposición diaria de Aedes aegypti en Orán, Salta, Argentina] (2011) Revista de Saude Publica, 45 (5), pp. 977-980.
- Estallo, E.L., Ludueña-Almeida, F.F., Visintin, A.M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Introini, M.V., Zaidenberg, M., Almirón, W.R. Prevention of dengue outbreaks through aedes aegypti oviposition activity forecasting method (2011) Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11 (5), pp. 543-549.
- Monjeau, J.A., Rotela, C.H., Lamfri, M., Márquez, J., Scavuzzo, C.M., Stanulescu, M., Nabte, M.J., Rial, E.G. Estimating habitat suitability for potential hantavirus reservoirs in north-western Patagonia using satellite imagery: Searching for the best predictive tools (2011) Mammalian Biology, 76 (4), pp. 409-416.
- Piacenza, M.F., Gomez, D.M., Simone, I., Lamfri, M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Calderón, G.E., Polop, J.J. Providing management options to control corn mouse (Calomys musculinus) reservoir populations using a cohort structured model (2011) International Journal of Pest Management, 57 (4), pp. 255-265.
- Rotela, C.H., Spinsanti, L.I., Lamfri, M.A., Contigiani, M.S., Almirón, W.R., Scavuzzo, C.M. Mapping environmental susceptibility to Saint Louis encephalitis virus, based on a decision tree model of remotelysensed data (2011) Geospatial Health, 6 (1), pp. 85-94.
- Andreo, V., Provensal, C., Scavuzzo, M., Lamfri, M., Polop, J. Environmental factors and population fluctuations of Akodon azarae (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in central Argentina (2009) Austral Ecology, 34 (2), pp. 132-142.
- Arboleda, S., Gorla, D.E., Porcasi, X., Saldaña, A., Calzada, J., Jaramillo-O, N. Development of a geographical distribution model of Rhodnius pallescens Barber, 1932 using environmental data recorded by remote sensing (2009) Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 9 (4), pp. 441-448.
- Carbajal de la Fuente, A.L., Porcasi, X., Noireau, F., Diotaiuti, L., Gorla, D.E. The association between the geographic distribution of Triatoma pseudomaculata and Triatoma wygodzinskyi (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with environmental variables recorded by remote sensors (2009) Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 9 (1), pp. 54-61.
- Gorla, D.E., Porcasi, X., Hrellac, H., Catalá, S.S. Spatial stratification of house infestation by triatoma infestans in la Rioja, Argentina (2009) American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 80 (3), pp. 405-409.
- Di Cola, V., Cardozo, G., Lanfri, M., Scavuzzo, C.M., Chiaraviglio, M. Modelling the distribution of the Boid snakes, Epicrates cenchria alvarezi and Boa constrictor occidentalis in the Gran Chaco (South America) (2008) Amphibia Reptilia, 29 (3), pp. 299-310.
- Estallo, E.L., Lamfri, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Almeida, F.F.L., Introini, M.V., Zaidenberg, M., Almirón, W.R. Models for predicting aedes aegypti larval indices based on satellite images and climatic variables (2008) Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 24 (3), pp. 368-376.
- Polop, F., Provensal, C., Scavuzzo, M., Lamfri, M., Calderón, G., Polop, J. On the relationship between the environmental history and the epidemiological situation of Argentine hemorrhagic fever (2008) Ecological Research, 23 (1), pp. 217-225.
- Lamfri, M., Rotela, C., Porcasi, X., Másuelli, S., Simone, I., Scavuzzo, C.M. Report on advanced training school on landscape epidemiology (2007) Salus, 11 (3), pp. 5-6.
- Masuelli, S., Rotela, C.H., Lamfri, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Aedes aegypti spatio-temporal modelling based on non homogeneous environment derived from remote sensors information. (2007) Proceedings, 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment: Sustainable Development Through Global Earth Observations, 4 p.
- Porcasi, X., Hrellac, H., Catalá, S., Moreno, M., Abrahan, L., Hernandez, L., Gorla, D.E. Infestation of rural houses by Triatoma infestans in the region of Los Llanos (La Rioja, Argentina) (2007) Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (1), pp. 63-68.
- Rotela, C., Fouque, F., Lamfri, M., Sabatier, P., Introini, V., Zaidenberg, M., Scavuzzo, C. Space-time analysis of the dengue spreading dynamics in the 2004 Tartagal outbreak, Northern Argentina (2007) Acta Tropica, 103 (1), pp. 1-13.
- McGwire, K., Segura, E.L., Scavuzzo, M., Gómez, A.A., Lamfri, M. Spatial pattern of reinfestation by Triatoma infestans in Chancaní, Argentina (2006) Journal of Vector Ecology, 31 (1), pp. 17-28.
- Porcasi, X., Catalá, S.S., Hrellac, H., Scavuzzo, M.C., Gorla, D.E. Infestation of rural houses by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in southern area of Gran Chaco in Argentina (2006) Journal of Medical Entomology, 43 (5), pp. 1060-1067.
- Salomón, O.D., Orellano, P.W., Lamfri, M., Scavuzzo, M., Dri, L., Farace, M.I., Quintana, D.O. Phlebotominae spatial distribution asssociated with a focus of tegumentary leishmaniasis in Las Lomitas, Formosa, Argentina, 2002 (2006) Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 101 (3), pp. 295-299.
- Porcasi, X., Calderón, G., Lamfri, M., Gardenal, N., Polop, J., Sabattini, M., Scavuzzo, C.M. The use of satellite data in modeling population dynamics and prevalence of infection in the rodent reservoir of Junin virus (2005) Ecological Modelling, 185 (2-4), pp. 437-449.
- Masuelli, S., Caranti, G.M., Scavuzzo, C.M. Axisymmetric numerical study of convective cloud electrification (1998) Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 60 (6), pp. 573-583.
- Masuelli, S., Pulido, M.A., Scavuzzo, C.M., Caranti, G.M. Graupel trajectories and charging: A new numerical approach for cloud electrification studies (1998) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 124 (548), pp. 1329-1341.
- Scavuzzo, C.M., Lamfri, M.A., Teitelbaum, H., Lott, F. A study of the low-frequency inertio-gravity waves observed during the Pyrénées Experiment (1998) Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 103 (D2), art. no. 97JD02308, pp. 1747-1758.
- Scavuzzo, C.M., Masuelli, S., Caranti, G.M., Williams, E.R. A numerical study of thundercloud electrification by graupel-crystal collisions (1998) Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 103 (D12), art. no. 97JD03734, pp. 13963-13973.
- Masuelli, S., Scavuzzo, C.M., Caranti, G.M. Convective electrification of clouds: A numerical study (1997) Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 102 (10), pp. 11049-11059.